Disadvantages Of Serial Processing Operating System

Parallel and serial processing describe whether a computer system can break. A parallel processor behaves like having more than one cashier operating a.

What is batch system? In early days computer work was given on punch cards and then these punch cards behave as input to the computer. These jobs or batch jobs were then executed by the computer one by one. So that computers were called as batch computers or batch systems. The work done by batch systems are in parts i.e. One job is processed then another job in the queue is processed and so on.

Batch processing system Why batch systems are used? As batch systems load less stress on processor and involve less user interaction so that is why we can use batch system in current days also.

Old Dutchwest, is it worth it? Dutchwest Federal was prior to VC ownership. Are there any labels at all on the stove or an indication of where it was made. My method of operating a Consolidated Dutchwest Federal Airtight woodburning stove. Please be sure to watch the rest of this video in Parts 2 & 3. I decided to try using the side door. Dutchwest federal airtight manual. Here's a link to a PDF of some of the Federal Airtight models, made under Dutchwest: Dutchwest Federal Airtight Manual Many of these units prior to 1984 were made in other countries, and so U.S. Support isn't really available. Created Date: 1/1/2003 12:00:00 AM. Federal Airtight 264CCL Thanks Wood Doctor, Could you scan that manual for me? I seached it online and I found a manual titled: CONSOLIDATED DUTCHWEST STOVES & FIREPLACE INSERTS - Pre-90.

Another advantage of batch systems is that the large repeated jobs are given to the system and we don’t have to interact with computer to tell the system that you have to do that job after finishing that job. Old batch systems were not interactive i.e. The user interaction was not involved when the job is running. Now in modern batch systems we have interactions also. For example we can set the timer on the job and when the specific time comes then computer send message to the processor that time is over.

This helps us to avoid too many errors and makes us easy to debug. Best practice in using batch systems The batch systems are used by large organizations and also large jobs are done in sequence by the system. So it is best practice to divide the big job into small parts and run them so it is easy to debug the job when error comes. You can also set timer on computer for each job so you can check and interact with job to check and debug errors. Advantages of batch processing systems Here are some advantages of batch systems:- • Repeated jobs are done fast in batch systems without user interaction. • You don’t need special hardware and system support to input data in batch systems.

• Best for large organizations but small organizations can also benefit from it. • Batch systems can work offline so it makes less stress on processor. • Processor consumes good time while processing that mean it knows which job to process next. In real time systems we don’t have expectation time of how long the job is and what is estimated time to complete it. But in batch systems the processor knows how long the job is as it is queued. • Sharing of batch system for multiple users. • The idle time batch system is very less.


• You can assign specific time for the batch jobs so when the computer is idle it starts processing the batch jobs i.e. At night or any free time. • The batch systems can manage large repeated work easily.

Disadvantages of batch processing systems • Computer operators must be trained for using batch systems. • It is difficult to debug batch systems.

• Batch systems are sometime costly. • If some job takes too much time i.e. If error occurs in job then other jobs will wait for unknown time. Examples of batch systems 1. Payroll system Batch systems are ideal for making payrolls.

The salaries of employees can be printed at the end of month by the batch systems. So the statements can be made easy by using batch systems. Bank statements At the end of month the bank makes statements for each account holder. So these bank statements can be made easily by batch systems at the end of month.

Operating systems are there from the very first computer generation and they keep evolving with time. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the important types of operating systems which are most commonly used.


Batch operating system The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. Each user prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards and submits it to the computer operator. To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched together and run as a group. The programmers leave their programs with the operator and the operator then sorts the programs with similar requirements into batches. The problems with Batch Systems are as follows − • Lack of interaction between the user and the job. • CPU is often idle, because the speed of the mechanical I/O devices is slower than the CPU. • Difficult to provide the desired priority.

Time-sharing operating systems Time-sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at various terminals, to use a particular computer system at the same time. Time-sharing or multitasking is a logical extension of multiprogramming. Processor's time which is shared among multiple users simultaneously is termed as time-sharing. The main difference between Multiprogrammed Batch Systems and Time-Sharing Systems is that in case of Multiprogrammed batch systems, the objective is to maximize processor use, whereas in Time-Sharing Systems, the objective is to minimize response time. Multiple jobs are executed by the CPU by switching between them, but the switches occur so frequently.