Driver Pico 2000 Windows 7

Alternative software for the TE104 4 Channel Capture Card aka The “Pico 2000” Card I bought one of these cheap 4 input BT878a cards off eBay in 2004. This capture card is a 4 channel multiplexed card (25fps PAL and 30fps NTSC) which means that the 25/30 fps is split up between the 4 channels i.e. You get 30 fps TOTAL for all 4 video inputs. These cards usually ship with Windows software called Pico 2000 or Peaqe which is identical to Pico2000 except for the name. The Pico 2000 software is reasonably functional but is terribly unreliable and as it was ripped off from Canadian company there will be no fixes or updates to it. The streaming over the web also relies on active-X so is Windows only. PLEASE Do not email me asking for a copy of Pico2000.
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So what are the alternatives? Linux: Under Linux the card works fine with the standard bttv drivers, I have card type set to 77 which works fine. (I’m using insmod option “radio=0 card=77 tuner=-1”) If you find the bttv driver takes a long time to load (a few minutes) add this option in your modules.conf file for loading the i2c-algo-bit module: options i2c-algo-bit bit_test=1 •.
Jan 20, 2019 If there isn't a driver for it, you'll probably have to utilize XP Mode or go with a dual boot setup. Pico 2000 Windows 7 Driver Pico 2000 Windows 7 Driver is a program collection with 90 downloads. The most lightweight of them are DeviceIOView (sized at 76,904) and SmartSniff (sized at 108,087), while the largest one is QuickScore Elite Level II with 143,684,063 bytes.