Eko Ranger Guitar Serial Numbers
(I acquired the guitar a couple days ago and I'm going to restore it to it's original glory!,, Also,, if anyone could shed some light on Dating the guitar the serial number is 111803,,(I've got it pinned down to between '60-63' as I've seen the same guitar with a later number listed as a '63'. If anyone knows anything about it or EKO guitars in general I would. I also own a Ranger 6 which I bought at an autojumble at Newark. I recently bought a eko 12 string electric acoustic. My guitar seems to.
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Any guitar that your 12-year-old will pick up and play! You don't have to be particular about brand or anything, but there are some acoustic JOM models that are 3/4 the size, making them a bit more user-friendly for the not quite full grown arms and fingers of a 12-year-old. There are plenty of used guitars to be found; if the passion lasts at least six months, then gift the musician with his or her very own personal. Be sure to buy a guitar case. My 12-year-old has a back-up type case so he can cart his guitar to lessons, etc.
It really helps! Electric guitars are hard on the newbie in that the strings are steel and much harder on the fingers. Here is a great article about how to buy a guitar, it will be a great help. ANSWER WELL I'M 13 SO I'M NOT ALOT OLDER THAN U AND I OWN A EPIPHONE LES PAUL CUSTOM THERE AMAZING THE BEST GUITAR EVER HOWEVER U CAN ALSO BUY IT IN A GIBSON VERSION CALLED A GIBSON LES PAUL CUSTOM BUT THERE ALMOST THE SAME EXSEPT THE GIBSON GOT テつ」2000 MORE LOL.