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Our Dream Long back me and my brother on the eve of ১লা বৈশাখ sitting at Amrakunja, Shantiniketan were wondering about the relevance of Tagore's thoughts in the context of present day's world. We realized that his words, music, and poetry and other creations inspired all of us in various stages of life. At that moment we thought if we could do something to spread his words, music, thoughts and ideologies to as many as possible human beings, then we might be able to reciprocate a little bit towards his vast contribution to the society. We request everyone of you to join hands with us in this initiative so that we can make a wonderful world for all the human beings. Let's keep him in our heart.
May 15, 2009 - Listen to free previews and download bengali rabindra sangeet MP3 CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO FREE PREVIEWS & DOWNLOAD THE.