Red Alert 2 Custom Maps Download

Here is a link to my drop box with all the survival maps I have made over the years. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have.

C&C Red Alert 2 Maps Browse: All Air War Co-Op Duel Meat Grind Megawealth Naval War Nuke War Skirmish Standard Team Game Twin River - Team islands connected by a series of bridges.

--- INSTALL GUIDE --- Download the map(s). Copy/paste file(s) into your 'Red Alert 2 Maps Custom' folder.

Then load the game. --- Making A Survival Map (Basic Tutorial) --- (Set the Quality to 720p if the video looks like shit) (Bottom right under settings) --- Current Versions of each map by name showing in-game (Any version(s) lower, I do not recommend playing). Let me know a good day/time and i will get on and play with you guys. We can go through all my maps. I live in USA eastern time zone. Glad to see people enjoying my work. My favorite map is Survive Inevitable Death (File name death3.yrm).

Really good 3 player. Challenge to the end. Then to slow stuff up and just chill out i like CrossRoad Island II (file name crossroad2.yrm). Island based 4 player. For something unique that most have never seen before, check out Marathon (4)MapsIn(1) (file name marathon4.yrm). I have made several version of this map as it can get buggy when there is so many triggers.

This is a map that has 4 maps in 1. First map the objective is to protect the presents house. You get 1 battle fortress and have one barrack to build units.


Second map you also use battle fortresses but you must take on the enemy and make your way to the time machine and destroy it. The third map you now get to build fully and must survive the timer. The forth map you again use battle fortress to protect the communications center but get attacked like crazy. After each map you win it takes you to the next. This is a rather old map that could use some more work but still fun to play if you got 2 hrs to burn. Can you make the face of death one so all AI units cant be mind controlled? Pretty easy to beat now I know what to do Don't think that can be done with out it affecting players units also which would be kinda dumb if your units could not be mind controlled.

This map has 4 versions. Some harder then others. Easier versions are 3 players - Face Of Death III (file name deathface3.yrm) 4 players - Face Of Death II (file name DeathFace4.yrm) Harder versions are 3 players - Face Of Death IV (file name deathface5.yrm) 4 players - Face Of Death V (file name deathface6.yrm) NEW Very hard version Face of death VI (file name death7.yrm) Keep in mind if you like that map try out these also 3 players - Survive Inevitable Death (file name death3) Hardest one of them all. 4 players - Survive Your Death (file name death4) Same as Survive Inevitable Death but the forth player makes it easier.

Red Alert 2 Custom Maps Download

6 players - Survive Death (file name death6) Easy 6 player version. 4 players - Survive Your Death II (file name deathcorners) Everyone is on there own in a corner on the map. Not very hard. They are just about the same map but without the face. Edited by dctanxman, 22 July 2015 - 06:41 AM. You marathon 4 survivals in one map is epic.

Problem is it crashes when u get to round 4? Whats the file name for the version you get crashes when going to the forth map? I know i have made several versions of that map and the one that should not crash for sure is Marathon (4)MapsIn(1) (file name marathon4.yrm). I have completed this version over 10 times with no problems.

Be sure to play it with 3 other players. A computer as one of the players can cause crashes when going to the last map. You need all 4 players alive.

Edited by dctanxman, 02 August 2015 - 07:41 PM. I'm looking for a survival called 'Defend Liberty 2.0 all allied' or something along those lines. One of the hardest no lag survival maps I've ever played.

Pretty much any survival map that keeps all players on their toes all the way through. Most survivals I've played recently usually end the same way; by wave 4 or 5 one guy has his yuri base with grinder and mind control built around enemy spawn point, or rockies or whatever just camping on enemy spawn point at which point every other player could just sit back not build anything and wait 20 or 30min for map to end.

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Boring and complete waste of time at that point. There's only a few survival maps I've played that actually require some sort of strategizing with superb enemy A.I.

Does anybody here have maps like this? I'm looking for a survival called 'Defend Liberty 2.0 all allied' or something along those lines. One of the hardest no lag survival maps I've ever played. Pretty much any survival map that keeps all players on their toes all the way through.

Most survivals I've played recently usually end the same way; by wave 4 or 5 one guy has his yuri base with grinder and mind control built around enemy spawn point, or rockies or whatever just camping on enemy spawn point at which point every other player could just sit back not build anything and wait 20 or 30min for map to end. Boring and complete waste of time at that point. There's only a few survival maps I've played that actually require some sort of strategizing with superb enemy A.I. Does anybody here have maps like this?