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Alternate Versions During the third season, Fox executives heavily edited several season one and season two episodes of Ally McBeal into thirty minute episodes called 'Ally'. 13 episodes were edited in this fashion, with just about all courtroom scenes removed so as to focus mainly on the personal lives of the main characters and the various comedy-themed story lines at the law firm and the episodes airing out of order from their original sequence. After airing ten episodes, Fox canceled 'Ally' do to extremely low ratings and shelved plans to sell the thirty minute version of the series into syndication. For David Kelly the creation of this law firm must have come to him as he envisioned what L.A.Law would've been in it's most bizarre form. If you told viewers beforehand some of the quirks and cases the main character, and the firm, would entertain I'm sure the 'test' audience would have responded with a collective thumbs down. This is why the success and following of the show is all the more astounding.