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Online Demo / Manual This is an HTML simulation built from actual screen-shots of VCDS-Lite using Microsoft Windows 7 with the 'Aero' style. If you are not using 7 Aero, expect the screens to look different but the functions will be the same. This screen appears when you start VCDS-Lite by clicking the shortcut on your Desktop or by selecting VCDS-Lite from the Start Menu. On this screen, you have 8 buttons that you can click with your mouse: [Select] [Auto-Scan] [Control Module Finder] [OBD-II] [Applications] (None of these functions are available in VCDS-Lite) [Options] [About] [Exit] (This closes the VCDS-Lite program) In the actual VCDS-Lite program, all buttons except Options and About will be grayed-out until you have Tested and Saved your settings in the Options screen. Click on the buttons in the screen shots to 'navigate' through this manual.

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Dfx audio enhancer full crack You can also use the 'Manual Index' below (scroll down). If you're trying to figure out how to Register/Activate VCDS-Lite, click on the [About] button. To go back to the Ross-Tech Home Page, click the [Exit] button Note: This manual only pertains to, which works with and which.


If you have a, then you should not be using VCDS not VCDS-Lite. Shareware limitations are shown on the bottom of each page in this manual.