Tera Term Macro Examples

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction Tera Term is an opensource terminal emulator on MS-Windows commonly used by us developers. Tera Term supports a 'rich' macro language that can help in automating user actions. These scripts usually remain personal - rarely shared.

In this page, I intend to share the basic scripts that can be used to automate common tasks in the Linux PSP release. The scripts were created with intentional hierarchy to maximize reuse (via inclusion) and minimize redundancy across scripts. Currently, these scripts apply to OMAP35x Linux PSP. But, can be extended easily to other platforms. Needless to say, these scripts are open to enhancements. How to execute a TeraTerm script?

Tera Term Macro ExamplesTera term macro sample

6000 testov po himii application Scripts File Naming Conventions • A file containing common macros - that can be included in other scripts - is prefixed with double underscore e.g. __common.ttl • The purpose / functionality of the file can be indicated after a '-' (minus) in the file name e.g. __uboot-config.ttl • Name of the container script that you execute is prefixed with name of the board e.g. Showtt 0 setsync 1 sendln 'setenv serverip' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'setenv nfshost $(serverip)' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'setenv ipaddr dhcp' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'setenv rootpath /home/user/workdir/filesys_dm6467' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$(nfshost):$(rootpath),nolock ip=$(ipaddr) mem=120M davincihd_capture.channel0_numbuffers=4' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'setenv bootfile uImage.DM6467' waitrecv '#' 1 0 sendln 'dhcp;tftpboot;bootm' waitrecv '#' 1 0 Here is a DM6467T EVM Teraterm macro file for DVSDK 3.10. The macro provides the following options: • Booting via static IP or DHCP address for EVM • Loading kernel via TFTP or Flash • Loading filesystem via NFS or HDD. Keep the VT window open while executing macro showtt 1; Set the synchronous mode setsync 1; Set the title to make easier identification between boards settitle 'OMAPL137'; needed because of the slower SPI Flash operations PromptUboot = 'U-Boot > '; set kernel command line argument sendln 'setenv bootargs console=ttyS2,115200n8 noinitrd rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext2 mem=32M';MMC/SD BOOT; select the SPI Flash memory sendln 'sf probe 0' wait PromptUboot; load kernel image to RAM address 0xc0700000. Sendln 'sf read 0xc0700000 0x1e0000 0x220000' wait PromptUboot.and boot the board!

Install ub funkeys without cd. Hub will function with this PC configuration.

Sendln 'bootm'; end of macro file Are there any OMAPL138 examples? Below is an example ttl script for users with a switch/router and NFS server. To reiterate one of the advantages of using a ttl script is that you can share boards between team members without wrenching their boot settings. This ttl script has been tested in the SDK environment and all directories and filenames match the default installation procedure as listed in the.

Apr 3, 2013 - I know Tera Term has a site that lists example macros as well as a command list but I guess what I need is someone with experience scripting.